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Who is the course for?All of us! As individuals, family members, and even leaders of countries. There is no end to the importance of building good relationships and wisdom to do so. On a practical level, we have courses for all ages. We train teachers and facilitators to run courses for their schools and organizations. However, if you feel you'd like to run our programmes without training, great. Our books and online videos will help you to get the job done. The following are our main courses: 0-2 years (and their parents/carers): Loving Lullabies 3-5 years old: Loving Words 6-11 years old: Loving Classroom Junior 12-18 years old: a) Loving Classroom Senior b) Loving Truth c) A Loving 21st Century Economy Adults at work: Loving Workplace We also facilitate Loving Mediation programmes.
What are your goals?Our overall goal is to build a loving world, for many esoteric reasons, but also down to earth realities. We believe (because it's arrogant to say 'know') that with good relationships humanity will overcome all the conflicts and 'problems' it has created. In particular, our goals are for: a) the close to 200 nations of the world to integrate Positive Relationship Education into their school systems. b) the world economy to be run lovingly by all those nations, building on the respect, compassion, listening, kindness, gratitude, love, friendship and care they learned to live by in school.
Have you evaluated your educational impact?Yes. The Gauteng Department of Education in South Africa independently measured our most stunning results. See below:
How much does Loving Classroom cost to implement in a school?It depends on whether you use the online version, or you require face to face teacher training for your school staff (or both). 1. A Loving Classroom textbook costs $20. Buying in bulk reductions (typically for schools) are available. Recommended for each student. 2. Online courses cost $200 per year - See our Online Courses page. Training videos are included. 3. Face to face teacher training costs $5,000. Typically, this involves a day or so training before the academic year, monthly zoom meetings and a summary meeting at the end of the year, which includes preparing for the next year. 4. Our twice monthly Relationship Gems is free. Very worth it! Thank you, and all the very, very best, The Loving World team
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